Thursday, November 6, 2008

Journal 17: Vandalism

Hi Mr Lau, 'littering' is leaving litter around, while 'vandalism' means destroying property. From What I know, the difference between 'littering' and 'vandalism' is that 'vandalism' is much more serious that 'littering'. The reason children litter and vandalise is because they think it is fun and others will clean it up for them. When I see that the place is full of litter or vandalised, I feel a bit embarrass, because everyone has a part to keep the earth litter&vandalism-free, and still some does not play their part. I have seen all places full of litter, but for vandalism, I have only seen one place vandalised. It was a couple of houses away from my aunt's house. I think that if littering or vandalism happens in our school, we should take action and punish those who littered or vandalised. This way, we can make our school's cleaners' jobs easier, and also let us study in an litter & vandalism-free school.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Journal 16: Formula 1

Hi Mr Lau, after I read the links you gave, I know that the Formula One is the highest class of open wheeled auto racing defined by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), motorsport's world governing body. The "formula" in the name refers to a set of rules to which all participants and cars must conform. The F1 world championship season consists of a series of races, known as Grands Prix, held usually on purpose-built circuits, and in a few cases on closed city streets. The results of each race are combined to determine two annual World Championships, one for drivers and one for constructors. I think that the F1 started during the 1920s to 1930s, but I do not know where it started ( I have tried to look for the information on many sites, including the ones you gave Mr Lau). I think that the cities which held F1 are places which are big, such as: Sakhir, Kuala Lumpur, Melbourne, Imola, Nurburg, Barcelona, Monte-Carlo, Silverstone, Montreal, Indianapolis, Magny-Cours, Hockenheim, Budapest, Istanbul, Monza, Shanghai, Suzuka and Sao Paulo (2006). I think that Singapore should hold the F1 race as although the country is small, it strives very hard to hold events for all of us. Some of the benefits that Singapore would get would be attracting more tourists and leaving the F1 drivers and tourists with a good impression of Singapore. My favourite driver would be Lewis Hamilton, because not only he is 1st in the drivers standings, but he also does not give up hope during his races. Honestly, I do not have much interest in F1 racing, but however, I have an interest in the cars. I have watched the F1 race this year, but not all of it as it was too long. I felt that the race was really thrillling, having a few twists in it. but for me, the best part would be the closing and rize giving ceremony......

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Journal 15: Recycling

When it comes to the word 'recycling', I understand that it is about saving the enviroment and the earth's resources. I think it is necessary to recycle things because if we do not recycle, we will waste the earth's resources and soon, we will have no more resources to survive on earth. Some of the ways to recycle things is to keep plastic bottles, newspapers, aluminium cans. etc. Another way is to throw the things into recycling bins. I would practise recycling sometimes, like using recycled things for my artworks. However, I feel that I can recycle more often. For me,I would recycle newspapers and plastic bottles. I do not think that the school is doing enough in recycling as we only hold a recycling competition once every year. The school can hold more other ways for recycling, such as more competitions. Lastly, I would tell my friends and clasmates that the more we recycle, the longer we can use the earth's resources. So remember to recycle and save the enviroment.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Journal 14: Addiction to Computer Games

Hi Mr Lau, for me, I do play computer games, mainly because it is fun. Some of the games that I play are miniclip games and Club Penguin. The reason I am attracted to the computer games is because they are interesting and has a great storyboard. In my views, I think that many students play computer games, reason being it helps the student to relax and stay away from school work for a while. If I count how many hours I play computer games, it will be about three and a half hours ( Half an hour a day). I really do not think that playing computer games will affect our studies. If we manage our time well, have an equal balance of study and play, playing computer games will not affect our studies. Lastly, I am aware that people can be addicted to computer games, however, I am not too sure that I can do something about it, being at this age. So I will just hope that these people's parents will remind to watch their time.

Journal 13: Sleepy Kids

Hi Mr Lau, for me, I think that I get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep everyday, which is the average amount of rest needed. Sometimes, I feel I do not get enough sleep, while other times I do. But mostly, I do get enough sleep. When it comes to managing my sleeping hours, I would sleep early. But if I do not get enough sleep, I would drink something warm or shower in warm water. Truthfully speaking, I think that I have too many things to do, such as school, CCAs and tuitions. However, I think I am able to cope with them. Lastly, I think that parents should remind their children to do their homework in the day, and rest at night. This way, children can sleep earlier and wake up with a fresher mind.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Journal 12: Olympic Games

The Olympic Games originated long ago in ancient Greece. Exactly when the Games were first held and what circumstances led to their creation is uncertain. However, it is known that the Games were a direct outgrowth of the values and beliefs of Greek society. The Greeks idealized physical fitness and mental discipline, and they believed that excellence in those areas honored Zeus, the greatest of all their gods. These 'Olympic Games' are an important event in sports because people around the world can represent his/her country to win a medal, not to mention showing off their sport talents. I have watch a few of the Olympic events including table tennis, track & field. etc because I have an interest in sports, and watching it inspires me to try it. I think the table tennis player, Li Jia Wei, impresses me the most, because she stays calm and plays well. She also has the determination to get a medal for Singapore. I would like to participate in the Olympic Games in either the badminton or table tennis event beacuse these are sports which I am good at. I think that organising the Olympics is worth it as it gives a chance to everyone in the world to show off their talents and represent their country.

The Olmypic Logo: Blue = Europe
Yellow = Asia
Black = Africa
Green = America ( North and South)
Red = Oceania

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Journal 11: NE Show 2008

This NE show was really a great experience for me. Besides the waiting time, I like everything in the show. I especially like the jets that did designs in the sky, it was cool! I feel that all P5 students should not miss this once in a lifetime opputunity, as this show can really show how people describe their love for Singapore. I feel that throughout the performance, the dancers should sing the national theme song, not leave it till the last minute. I also feel that more songs should be performed in the show!

Journal 10: Interdisciplinary Project Work

I think through this this project, I have grown to learn more about my friends and their backgrounds. I also feel that teamwork is the best in project work so together, my group and I have put in our hearts and time for it. I think that the project went great ( even when Mr Lau complimented my group on being the group that did lots of IT work.) I learnt that I need my friends to complete this project, without them, I can't do it.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Journal 9: Earthquake

Hi Mr Lau, besides exploring the link you have provided, I have found out other information on earthquakes from other links. An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. Here are some things we should do during an earthquake
-If you're indoors, stay there. Get under -- and hold onto --a desk or table, or stand against an interior wall. Stay clear of exterior walls, glass, heavy furniture, fireplaces and appliances. The kitchen is a particularly dangerous spot. If you're in an office building, stay away from windows and outside walls and do not use the elevator.
-If you're outside, get into the open. Stay clear of buildings, power lines or anything else that could fall on you.
-If you're driving, move the car out of traffic and stop. Avoid parking under or on bridges or overpasses. Try to get clear of trees, light posts, signs and power lines. When you resume driving, watch out for road hazards.
-If you're in a mountainous area, beware of the potential for landslides. Likewise, if you're near the ocean, be aware that tsunamis are associated with large earthquakes. Get to high ground.
-If you're in a crowded public place, avoid panicking and do not rush for the exit. Stay low and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms.
I think it is possible for scientists to detect earthquakes, one example is using a laptop. Many laptops have an accelerometer, a sensor that detects motion and free fall, and that can be used to detect the intensity of earthquakes when a laptop shakes. One place where an earthquake has occured is in Sichuan, China. I think there are earthquakes in those countries because there are plates under the countries which might have fall and cause a fault line. From there, an earthquake occurs.I am not too certain that an earthquake would occur in Singapore as I feel that we are protected by GOD.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Journal 8: Mother's Day

I think that Mother's Day is the day where I show my apreciation to my loving and caring mother (this is the two words i will use to describe my mother). That is why this year, I made a little coffee table for her. When I gave it to her, I could tell she loved it by the look of her face. My relationship with my mother has grown stronger each day, maybe because she has given me the encouragement I need and I can put my faith in her. Through out the years, my mother has been like a friend to me; she helped me in many ways-such as helping me in homework, teaching me how to differentiate the right from the wrong. I think the best way to strengthen my relationship my mother is to spend more time with her and cherish every happy moment with her. Mothers are one of the most important ingredients in this world, because they were the ones who fed you when you were young, and they gave us many pleasent moments. If there is one special thing I can do for my mother, I would paint a picture or write a special song for only her.

Journal 7: Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

HFMD is a common illness of infants and children. It is characterized by fever, sores in the mouth, and a rash with blisters.The spread of the disease can occur through direct contact with nasal discharge, saliva, feces, and fluid from the blisters. It can also spread indirectly through contact with toys, books, eating utensils, towels, and other articles used by an infected individual. The infection is spread most easily when people are feeling ill and sores are present in the mouth, but the virus can be spread for several weeks after that.The symptoms of HFMD are: fever 101F-103F, malaise, sore throat, painful oral lesions, non-itchy body rash - followed by sores with blisters on palms of hands and soles of feet, mouth ulcers and sores or blisters may be present on the buttocks of small children and infants. Actually, there is no specific treatment for HFMD. However, individual symptoms such as fever, lameness and pain from the sores, may be eased with the use of medication. HFMD is a viral disease that has to run its course, so that is why many doctors do not issue medicine for this illness, unless the infection is severe.To prevent the risk of contracting HFMD, I think we should practise good general hygiene. Wash your hands immediately after contact with the infected person and before handling food. Prevent others from contact with books, eating utensils, towels, clothes and other personal items used by the infected person.

Journal 6: Earth Day

Since the school celebrated Earth Day, I finally realised how important it is to celebrate it. It is the time where we get together to protect the Earth's natural beauty and save the enviroment. The reason we have Earth Day is because in the early 1970s, many Americans were upset over the damage human beings were causing to the Earth and its environment. Due to the use of leaded gasoline and lack of air filters or emissions requirements for vehicles and factories, a tremendous amount of pollution was being released into the environment. So because of this, Earth Day was launched internationally in 1990 when 200 million people in 141 countries participated in the event. For the sake of Mother Earth, I think we should recycle ( newspapers, plastic bottles ), reuse ( paper) and reduce ( ink, water ). I think that we should not cut down too many trees as it may cause pollution. Lastly, in the future, I think that the school can use recycled items to make into new things (e.g. plastic bottle - maracus).

Journal 5: International Friendship Day

Since the International Friendship Day celebration, I think that a true friend is someone who does not bother about which race that the person come from to be friends, and also someone who respects their friends. I think that in this world , it is important to have friends, or else this world will be very lonely and unhappy as friends gives out happiness and joy throughout. To build a strong friendship with others, I should respect others for their buisness and help them when they are in need. The reason Singapore is friendly with other countries is because Singapore is a small country and so we need efficient supplies, so we ask other countries for them. Because of this, I think that other countries like Malaysia is kind enough to give us the supplies we need. I enjoyed the performance of International Friendship Day especially the running with the fire and the martial arts. I think that art and music can be shown to represent International Friendship Day next year, as they can show different countries' art and music.

Journal 4: Racial Harmony

I think that racial harmony is about getting along with our friends from different races. The reason for misunderstandings is because some people are like rumor weeds....who like to disturb innocent people. I think Rajah's solution is wrong, because if we have different races, we can share different traditions. We can hold a gathering for all different races. Besides playing with our good friends, we should get to know our friends from different races.

Journal 3: Get Well Soon Basil

Hey Basil,
how are you? Hope that you will get well soon. GOD bless you and cover you with his peace and wisdom. Feel free to ask me any questions on Maths.
Warmest regards...... Mark

P.S. What do you get when you mix a caterpillar and a parrot?

Ans: A walkie-talkie

Journal 2: What is a Hero?

Hi Everyone,for me, my only hero is GOD....because he has been the one who helped me in my life. For an example: He has brought me into a christian home, he provided me with my needs...and even helped me with my education!I think what it takes to be a hero is courage and sacrifice: like how GOD had sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Why i say that GOD is my hero is because when we do wrong, God will encourage us instead of scolding us.

Journal 1: Introduce Yourself

Hi Everyone, actually there are a lot of things that I like to do like: ice-skating, playing football, play the piano....etc. During my free time, I would either play the piano, play with my neighbours or read a book to entertain myself.I am certain that everyone will be more interesting than me so write in soon