Thursday, May 15, 2008

Journal 6: Earth Day

Since the school celebrated Earth Day, I finally realised how important it is to celebrate it. It is the time where we get together to protect the Earth's natural beauty and save the enviroment. The reason we have Earth Day is because in the early 1970s, many Americans were upset over the damage human beings were causing to the Earth and its environment. Due to the use of leaded gasoline and lack of air filters or emissions requirements for vehicles and factories, a tremendous amount of pollution was being released into the environment. So because of this, Earth Day was launched internationally in 1990 when 200 million people in 141 countries participated in the event. For the sake of Mother Earth, I think we should recycle ( newspapers, plastic bottles ), reuse ( paper) and reduce ( ink, water ). I think that we should not cut down too many trees as it may cause pollution. Lastly, in the future, I think that the school can use recycled items to make into new things (e.g. plastic bottle - maracus).

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