Thursday, May 15, 2008

Journal 8: Mother's Day

I think that Mother's Day is the day where I show my apreciation to my loving and caring mother (this is the two words i will use to describe my mother). That is why this year, I made a little coffee table for her. When I gave it to her, I could tell she loved it by the look of her face. My relationship with my mother has grown stronger each day, maybe because she has given me the encouragement I need and I can put my faith in her. Through out the years, my mother has been like a friend to me; she helped me in many ways-such as helping me in homework, teaching me how to differentiate the right from the wrong. I think the best way to strengthen my relationship my mother is to spend more time with her and cherish every happy moment with her. Mothers are one of the most important ingredients in this world, because they were the ones who fed you when you were young, and they gave us many pleasent moments. If there is one special thing I can do for my mother, I would paint a picture or write a special song for only her.

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