Thursday, May 15, 2008

Journal 8: Mother's Day

I think that Mother's Day is the day where I show my apreciation to my loving and caring mother (this is the two words i will use to describe my mother). That is why this year, I made a little coffee table for her. When I gave it to her, I could tell she loved it by the look of her face. My relationship with my mother has grown stronger each day, maybe because she has given me the encouragement I need and I can put my faith in her. Through out the years, my mother has been like a friend to me; she helped me in many ways-such as helping me in homework, teaching me how to differentiate the right from the wrong. I think the best way to strengthen my relationship my mother is to spend more time with her and cherish every happy moment with her. Mothers are one of the most important ingredients in this world, because they were the ones who fed you when you were young, and they gave us many pleasent moments. If there is one special thing I can do for my mother, I would paint a picture or write a special song for only her.

Journal 7: Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

HFMD is a common illness of infants and children. It is characterized by fever, sores in the mouth, and a rash with blisters.The spread of the disease can occur through direct contact with nasal discharge, saliva, feces, and fluid from the blisters. It can also spread indirectly through contact with toys, books, eating utensils, towels, and other articles used by an infected individual. The infection is spread most easily when people are feeling ill and sores are present in the mouth, but the virus can be spread for several weeks after that.The symptoms of HFMD are: fever 101F-103F, malaise, sore throat, painful oral lesions, non-itchy body rash - followed by sores with blisters on palms of hands and soles of feet, mouth ulcers and sores or blisters may be present on the buttocks of small children and infants. Actually, there is no specific treatment for HFMD. However, individual symptoms such as fever, lameness and pain from the sores, may be eased with the use of medication. HFMD is a viral disease that has to run its course, so that is why many doctors do not issue medicine for this illness, unless the infection is severe.To prevent the risk of contracting HFMD, I think we should practise good general hygiene. Wash your hands immediately after contact with the infected person and before handling food. Prevent others from contact with books, eating utensils, towels, clothes and other personal items used by the infected person.

Journal 6: Earth Day

Since the school celebrated Earth Day, I finally realised how important it is to celebrate it. It is the time where we get together to protect the Earth's natural beauty and save the enviroment. The reason we have Earth Day is because in the early 1970s, many Americans were upset over the damage human beings were causing to the Earth and its environment. Due to the use of leaded gasoline and lack of air filters or emissions requirements for vehicles and factories, a tremendous amount of pollution was being released into the environment. So because of this, Earth Day was launched internationally in 1990 when 200 million people in 141 countries participated in the event. For the sake of Mother Earth, I think we should recycle ( newspapers, plastic bottles ), reuse ( paper) and reduce ( ink, water ). I think that we should not cut down too many trees as it may cause pollution. Lastly, in the future, I think that the school can use recycled items to make into new things (e.g. plastic bottle - maracus).

Journal 5: International Friendship Day

Since the International Friendship Day celebration, I think that a true friend is someone who does not bother about which race that the person come from to be friends, and also someone who respects their friends. I think that in this world , it is important to have friends, or else this world will be very lonely and unhappy as friends gives out happiness and joy throughout. To build a strong friendship with others, I should respect others for their buisness and help them when they are in need. The reason Singapore is friendly with other countries is because Singapore is a small country and so we need efficient supplies, so we ask other countries for them. Because of this, I think that other countries like Malaysia is kind enough to give us the supplies we need. I enjoyed the performance of International Friendship Day especially the running with the fire and the martial arts. I think that art and music can be shown to represent International Friendship Day next year, as they can show different countries' art and music.

Journal 4: Racial Harmony

I think that racial harmony is about getting along with our friends from different races. The reason for misunderstandings is because some people are like rumor weeds....who like to disturb innocent people. I think Rajah's solution is wrong, because if we have different races, we can share different traditions. We can hold a gathering for all different races. Besides playing with our good friends, we should get to know our friends from different races.

Journal 3: Get Well Soon Basil

Hey Basil,
how are you? Hope that you will get well soon. GOD bless you and cover you with his peace and wisdom. Feel free to ask me any questions on Maths.
Warmest regards...... Mark

P.S. What do you get when you mix a caterpillar and a parrot?

Ans: A walkie-talkie

Journal 2: What is a Hero?

Hi Everyone,for me, my only hero is GOD....because he has been the one who helped me in my life. For an example: He has brought me into a christian home, he provided me with my needs...and even helped me with my education!I think what it takes to be a hero is courage and sacrifice: like how GOD had sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Why i say that GOD is my hero is because when we do wrong, God will encourage us instead of scolding us.

Journal 1: Introduce Yourself

Hi Everyone, actually there are a lot of things that I like to do like: ice-skating, playing football, play the piano....etc. During my free time, I would either play the piano, play with my neighbours or read a book to entertain myself.I am certain that everyone will be more interesting than me so write in soon