Sunday, January 18, 2009

Journal 3: Our School's Vision, Mission and Values

Hi Mr Lau, to start, the school's vision is to have a school of Distinction, Nurturing Future-Ready Citizens of Character; the school's mission is to provide quality education to equip pupils with the values, knowledge and skills for the 21st century. And finally, the school's values are described as Passion for learning
Intergrity our foundation
Excellence in everything we do
In my opinion, these values, our mission and vision, are meaningful, as they are like 'guides' to lead us to sucess. I believe that with these 'guides', our examination results will further improve and make us become excellent students of Singapore. Honestly, I find that engaging in the activities in school does not bring the students to think about the school values, as they only think about playing while participating in the activities. To live up to the school values, the teachers and instructors should encourage the students by reminding them of the school values, and how they can be put to use. Lastly, I think that the teachers can organise games like treasure hunts, reminding the participants about the school values along the way.

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